allows sports car enthusiasts to find track events including track days and High Performance Driver Education (HPDE) events where you can enjoy your sports cars on race tracks in the US and Canada.
Use the advanced search functionality to easily find track events that fit your schedule, budget, location, and other needs. You can search for weekend/weekday events, events in certain regions, number of track days per event, events in certain states, price range, event type, group, and/or track, etc.
Users can also create, maintain, and share their Track Schedule with others. You can even create or join a user group to schedule events with your friends. is dedicated to providing you with the best tool to find track events that fits your needs and to help plan out your track season schedule. If a group, track, or event is not on the schedule, users can add it to our schedule. This ensures that is the most relevant, comprehensive, and up to date HPDE Track Schedule as possible. is a free service and login is not required.
Click on Schedule to view the Track Event season schedule, or click on Advanced Search to search for DE events that meet your needs.